
We strive to change attitudes and behaviour to bring equality in every sphere. A major part of what we do at WOW is to bring change by influencing toxic mindsets and attitudes, and what better tool than social media to do that!

Girl Arise Campaign

Our Girl Arise campaign was launched in 2013 to raise the bar on women’s safety in campuses, workplaces, public spaces and at home. Through our workshops, whose attendees include children, women and men, and through posts and shares on social media, we have been building awareness and support with our followers.

The Fearless Project

Focused on the prevention and recovery aspects of child sexual abuse, the Fearless Project has seen much support through our awareness posts on social media. So many of our followers find our page a platform for them to share their stories and opinions.

Dark Is Beautiful Campaign

Since 2009, Dark Is Beautiful – our internationally recognised advocacy campaign has been fighting against and creating awareness about ‘Colourism’.

While we’ve seen changes on many different levels, colourism is still a sore point among many people. Ask our 51,000 followers on Facebook, and they’ll tell you all about it!

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Our social media followers in numbers

Women Of Worth

Dark Is Beautiful

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

11, First Street, Aspiran Garden, Kilpauk, Chennai-10

Call Us: +91 44 4264 3036

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