Do you wonder, what’s gone missing in the world when you hear of brutal incidents of rape, murder, domestic violence and other forms of physical abuse? What makes people resort to such inhuman behaviour? Yes, there lies the clue. It is inhuman. When someone loses their soul within which is the seat of love, honour and respect they do become inhuman. In a culture that very often does not associate respect with women or for women, we have this important task to do. We need to tell the world that what women need the most is not diamonds, flowers and chocolates but respect.

Respect is that sublime choice we make to value another person irrespective of their status, creed, gender or colour. Respect is not what we usually associate it with. It is more than a ritualistic practice. It is an attitude. It is a way of life. I choose to respect another person simply because they are human.

Respect is a principle by which you operate. It defines the way you treat people and let others treat you. To cultivate respect, I need to start with respecting myself first. I have met women who feel they deserve the abuse they are facing. When you respect yourself you will not tolerate anyone treating you without respect. Abuse is not to be tolerated at any cost. So, let’s start with knowing and believing that our value and worth are innate and therefore no matter who we are, we deserve to be treated with respect. When we value and respect ourselves we find it easy to extend it to others. People who resort to violent behaviour often suffer issues of low self-worth and self-acceptance. This is often released without as violence or manipulative and abusive control.

Respect does not force opinions on you. Respect respects your choice. Respect is an attitude. Respect does not pass lewd comments. Respect does not backbite or character assassinate. Respect is not dependent on how you feel at a particular moment. When you make it your priority it is reflected in your behaviour at all times.

Women and men deserve respect. Children and the elderly need respect. Poor and rich need respect. Respect is the next best thing to love. Respect is what will make the world a better place!

From the Directors Desk,

Kavitha Emmanuel
